Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Remember what I said about trying new ingredients?  In this post not only will I show how I incorporated new things into my favorite Red Juice, but also how I used the juice in a new and exciting way!

 Super Red Juice:

6 carrots
1 small beet
2 oranges peeled *new
10 strawberries *new
1 red apple
1/2 a lemon peeled

This recipe made enough for a huge 12 ounce glass of juice plus enough to fill up my little popsicle maker!!!  I got the popsicle maker at Walmart for a $1 and had never used it until now!

I had almost forgot about my sweet treats, until one day I opened the freezer for some ice and there they were!

It's definitely not moose tracks ice cream, but on a hot day when I'm trying to stick to clean eating, these sweet frozen treats are just thing!

Keepin' it Clean,


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Orange Juice!

Hey fellow juicers! 

When you think Orange Juice, you probably think of Florida, fresh squeezed OJ with breakfast (pancakes and bacon anyone?) and most of all plastic bottles and cardboard cartons full of it in the grocery store.   

Today let's rethink that concept!

THIS Orange Juice is bursting with nutrition that will leave you feeling sunshiney and energetic all morning long!

6 carrots
2 oranges peeled
1 slice of ginger (about the size and thickness of a quarter)
1 red apple

Put the ingredients through the juicer in that exact order so that the apple makes sure the oranges and ginger pass through completely!

It might be silly, but for me, pouring the juice into a fancy glass and drinking with a straw makes all the difference! 

If you are feeling bored mix it up with new ingredients or drink from a wine glass or add some ice!

Drink in Health,


Monday, September 16, 2013

Red juice!

One of my favorite juices to make is a ruby red beet and carrot based juice!  These two root vegetables have quite a high sugar content so people with diabetes or other conditions exacerbated by sugar should drink in moderation!


6 carrots
1 small beet
1 red apple
1 small lemon peeled

I put everything through the juicer in exactly that order!  I find putting the lemon in last helps with cleaning the filter later!

Drink in health,


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tropical Green Smoothie!

I love coconut...I love it, I love it, I love it!!!

So tonight I thought I'd incorporate it into my green smoothie!

Tropical green smoothie:

1 cup pineapple
1 banana
1 orange (peeled, or you can just squeeze in the juice)
1 handful spinach
1/2 cup coconut yogurt
1/2 cup water
6 ice cubes

Blend it all together for a refreshing and tropical treat that is so good for you!!!  Enjoy!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mean and Green!

Yes friends!  This was my reaction to my first "mean green" juice!  Oh, it was tough to swallow but as you can see I drained that bad boy dry!


3 stalks of celery
1 small cucumber
1 green apple
1 handful of spinach
and a lemon (peeled)

The strongest flavor this time was celery so I thought I'd highlight some of the benefits...maybe knowing how good it is for you will help you appreciate the taste!!!

1. Celery has blood pressure reducing properties. It contains active phthalides, which relax the muscles of the arteries that regulate blood pressure so the vessels dilate. Phthalides also reduce stress hormones, which can cause blood vessels to constrict.
2. Celery contains plant hormones that calm and soothe the central nervous system.
3. Celery leaves are a source of flavonoid antioxidants zeaxanthin, lutein and beta-carotene, which have antioxidant, cancer-protective, and immune-boosting make sure you juice the whole stalk with its leaves!
4. Celery is an alkaline food. Most people are too acidic and thus suffer from a major body imbalance.
5. Celery combines with just about any food, even fruit to some degree. This helps the digestion and has many powerful health benefits in itself.

  • Celery is a great source of vitamins K and A, folate, potassium, and vitamin C.
  • It has essential minerals such as Folacin and Potassium.

  • Celery really brings out the beast in me so keep your distance if you see an empty glass lined with green foam nearby!!!



    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    First Experience!

    Phillips Juicer....check!
    8 scrubbed-clean carrots....check!
    1 handful of fresh spinach....check!
    1 red juicy apple....check!

    With my first juice I will admit that I hadn't really transformed into the JUICE BEAST yet...
    I played it safe with some ingredients that I thought wouldn't make me gag!
     And it was a great beginning...
    But real juicing nutrition is not for the faint of heart!

    So keep an eye out for future posts with new and exciting ingredients...and their nutritional benefits!

    Much Love,